Hardcover book binding is a method of creating a durable and long-lasting cover for a book. Hardcover binding involves using a rigid material, such as cardboard, to create a protective cover for the book. This cover is then wrapped in cloth or paper and attached to the spine of the book block.
PU mount 1800g grey board for cover with foil stamping
Hardcover binding
Round spine
Here are the general steps involved in hardcover book binding:
Collate and sew the book block: First, the pages of the book are collated and sewn together to create the book block.
Create the cover boards: Next, the cover boards are cut to size and shape using a guillotine or a board shear.
Attach the cover material: The cover material (typically a cloth or paper) is attached to the cover boards using adhesive. The material is carefully measured and trimmed to fit the boards precisely.
Create the spine: The spine of the cover is created using a strip of cloth or paper that is folded over the spine of the book block.
Attach the cover to the book block: The cover boards are then attached to the book block using adhesive. The book block is carefully positioned between the cover boards, and the cover material is glued to the spine.
Finish the book: The book is then trimmed and any excess material is removed. The endpapers are attached to the inside of the cover boards, and any additional features, such as dust jackets or ribbon markers, can be added.
Overall, hardcover book binding is a popular choice for books that are intended to be kept for a long time, such as reference books, journals, and collectors' editions. Hardcover binding provides a sturdy and attractive cover that can protect the book from damage and wear over time.
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